Oreti Sands

a.k.a. Southland Golf Club

Location  Invercargill, New Zealand
Year Started  January 2007
Status  Course Opened March 2009
Project Brief  Golf Course Re-design. Four new holes, and renovation to other holes



Please Note; These are the master plans for the course redesign, but during construction the 16th and 17th holes were swapped, with the 16th hole becoming the par 4, and the 17th hole becoming a par 3. This also meant that the 18th hole is most often played as a long par 4.



Excellence In Compliance Award Winner Winner
Excellence in Compliance Award
Royal Wellington Golf Club


Scott MacPherson awarded by GEO as a Sustainable Golf Champion Scott awarded by GEO as a Sustainable Golf Champion



The Evolution of the Old Course St Andrews
The Evolution of the Old Course
by Scott Macpherson

More information about St. Andrews


Golf's Royal Clubs Golf's Royal Clubs
by Scott Macpherson

More Information about Golf's Royal Clubs


"Scott is a very good course designer and it's interesting to go around a course and see what he sees. I have my own ideas about courses and the way they should look, but listening to somebody like Scott, who has a lot of experience, makes you appreciate how much more there is to take into account when you are designing one."

Lee Westwood, CH Magazine, 2014.