At Close House – Colt Course. Sept 2017. A prestigious European Tour Championship hosted by Lee Westwood.
Broadcast worldwide from Royal Wellington Golf Club, NZ. October 2017. WOW!
The legacy continues.
Co-hosted at the award-winning Millbrook Resort near Queenstown, NZ. 2014 – 2023.
Scott’s work has developed a strong reputation. The attention to detail and ability to work with a team to bring a project in on-time and on-budget are attributes that clients most value.
Graham Wylie (Course Owner); “The course looks absolutely stunning and every single golfer, without exception, has said how wonderful it is and that the views are exceptional. Most of that is down to Scott’s design, imagination and flair and I am very grateful for all the effort he put into making the course so special. Many thanks again for a brilliant golf course.”
Lee Westwood; “I thought they have made a good job of working with what they have got and producing a natural looking sort of old fashioned course. The lay-out is good, and the greens run true and it’s a good balance in that it could be made to be more difficult but it’s a great members club course. You have to think all the time and not just blast it. I enjoyed playing it. Top-notch facilities.”
Tim Taylor, ‘The Journal’: “If Scott Macpherson is not the 21st century’s re-incarnation of Harry Colt, then I don’t know who is. A drop dead gorgeous course and you can see from the way Macpherson has subtly set his jewel into the breathtaking countryside alongside Hardian’s Wall, that he is a student of Colt’s gentle way of doing things.”
Graham Bailey (Sky Sports UK) perhaps got a bit carried away but wrote… “‘The Colt’ – potentially one of the finest courses that will ever be built in our lifetime anywhere in Britain”. Hey, maybe it is…
Excellence in Compliance Award
Royal Wellington Golf Club
Scott awarded by GEO as a Sustainable Golf Champion
St Andrews
The Evolution of the Old Course
by Scott Macpherson
"Scott is a very good course designer and it's interesting to go around a course and see what he sees. I have my own ideas about courses and the way they should look, but listening to somebody like Scott, who has a lot of experience, makes you appreciate how much more there is to take into account when you are designing one."
Lee Westwood, CH Magazine, 2014.